At the quantum level of reality, you’ll find an infinite supply of potential energy. And money, like you and everything around you, is made from this energy. In today’s society, we have collectively agreed to use money as a symbol for exchange. And energetic exchange is about giving, just as much as it is about receiving.

It is our birthright to be financially prosperous, if we so choose. Imagine what it would feel like to feel free. What would your life look like? What would you do day-to-day? What great adventure would you go on? How would you truly feel to be free of fear, worry and stress? I encourage you to take time everyday to allow yourself to dream.

Affirmations help re program our mind’s operating system. Listen often and truly embody the feeling of freedom.

Money is the divine expressing itself

I welcome money into my life

Money is energy and it always flows to me freely and abundantly

Money is kind and warm and always lovingly graces me with her presence

I give generously with the money that I receive

I am grateful for the opportunities that money provides

It is always a choice and I choose wealth and abundance

It is my birthright to live a life filled with prosperity

I am open to the best things in life

I exude purpose, passion and prosperity

I am grateful for everything I currently have

I am grateful for what I now receive

I give with the money that flows to me 

I dream that every being who chooses to be financially free is

My true nature is one of abundance 

I give generously with the money that I receive

Money circulates freely in my life, and always leaves a surplus

Life is so easy

Money allows me to contribute to those who are raising the collective consciousness

I am open to the flow of money in any form that it arrives

Money is currency and can be used to circulate abundance to everybody

Golden living flows to me every day in every way

I am open and ready to live a life filled with beauty and prosperity

Being wealthy brings me peace of mind and allows my creativity to flourish

I attract money naturally

I trust that money will always flow to me

I live a life of financial freedom 

My prosperity prospers others

My limiting beliefs around money have disappeared

I am boundless radiance in abundant expression

My money is a source of good for myself and others

I am so grateful for the comfort of home that money provides me

Money flows in my life

Every day in every way, my wealth is increasing

Money comes to me easily and effortlessly

All my money blockages are now dissolved

I AM so grateful to be financially free

I am so grateful for everything

If you wish to listen to these words to music, click here.
