A Prayer
Dear Love,
May my mind and heart be in full alignment with your love today. May I be open to your loving guidance, wisdom, truth and flow of unconditional love. May my thoughts and feelings be elevated to your frequencies and stabilize within these frequencies more often than not.
May angels surround my heart and mind, so that their loving peaceful energies are with me throughout the day.
May fear and all of it’s related energies not enter my being today. May any of these energies still contained within me now be released into the light.
May I serve as a vessel for your love. May I be open and empty, with beginner’s mind. May your love pour in me through me, and may it radiate out in boundless enthusiasm.
May all who connect with me feel this love, your love pouring thru me and into them.
May I and anyone who feels these energies feel inspired, uplifted and loved.
May our worries and anxiety wash away and be replaced with grounded energies of solid inner peace.
May I go forth and act from a place of love, moment to moment. May I be guided to work for the highest good of all, and may my thoughts and feelings always align to this core intention.
May each of us bring your love, peace and joyous nature into our hearts and minds, so that we transmute and transform our world and make no space for suffering and pain.
May I stay in alignment with your love, always. May my internal being sparkle like a trillion stars in an onyx sky. May all cells within me radiate your love, an eternal flow of endless sunshine. May my heart and mind be aligned with your powerful love and may it wash over me all the days of my life.
May my heart remain grateful and open to the flow of your love.
And so it is.
If you wish to listen to these words to music, visit here.